Index/Sommaire Volume XXXVII (1998)
- On "Making God Go Away" - A Reply to Professor Maxwell 291
Women's Inequality and the Retreat from the Welfare State: Downloading and Discrimination
Against Women 719 -
BOULAD-AYOUB, JOSIANE et FRANK CUNNINGHAM - Tout le mal vient de l'inégalité...(Introduction) 669
BUTLER, KEITH - Externalism and Scepticism 13
CAVE, ERIC M. - Habituation and Rational Preference Revision 219
CÔTÉ, ANTOINE - Claude Tresmontant et la preuve cosmologique 271
COUTEL, CHARLES - Condorcet et la question de l'égalité 681
ENGEL, PASCAL - La logique peut-elle mouvoir l'esprit? 35
FRANKE, WILLIAM - Psychoanalysis as a Hermeneutics of the Subject: Freud, Ricoeur, Lacan 65
GERWIN, MARTIN - Natural-Agency Theory as an Alternative to Hume: A Reply to Andrew Ward 3
GORDON, RIVCA, and HAIM GORDON - Fighting Evil: Sartre on the Distinction Between Understanding and Knowledge 325
GUÉDON, JEAN-CLAUDE - Louise... 677
IPPERCIEL, DONALD - L'idée de pathologie de la société chez Habermas 523
ISAACS, TRACY - On Being Perfect and Doing the Right Thing 55
JOSEPH, MARC A. - Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Arithmetic 83
Irony in Moral Discourse: Abnegation or Iron Fate? Some Considerations on Genealogy, Plurality,
and Truth 473 -
MIGUELEZ, ROBERTO - Rationalité, communication, égalité 703
NEWEY, GLEN - Value-Pluralism in Contemporary Liberalism 493
NIELSEN, KAI - Liberal Reasonability a Critical Tool? Reflections After Rawls 739
RAMSAY, HAYDEN - Natural Virtue 341
RICKARD, MAURICE - Freedom, Equality, and the True Cost of Resources 761
SAUVÉ, DENIS - La philosophie du langage de Wittgenstein selon Michael Dummett 299
SEYMOUR, MICHEL - Une conception sociopolitique de la nation 435
SZABADOS, BÉLA and ELDON SOIFER - Hypocrisy After Aristotle 545
TUCKER, AVIEZER - Scientific Historiography Revisited: An Essay on the Metaphysics and Epistemology of History 235
- Hegel: libération formelle et inégalité dans la société civile bourgeoise 693
- BINKLEY, ROBERT W. David Copp on Moral Judgements 769
- BOURDEAU, MICHEL Et si Comte avait raison? 361
- FAIT, PAOLO L'éristique mise en formules 131
- KENYON, TIM Searle Rediscovers What Was Not Lost 117
- KINGWELL, MARK Two Concepts of Pluralism 375
- MACLEOD, COLIN M. Partial Equality 775
- ROSS, DON Internal Recurrence 155
- SOBEL, DAVID Sumner on Welfare 571
- WEINSTOCK, DANIEL M. Just Talk? 107
- BRAYBROOKE, DAVID Justice in Jeopardy if Needs Not Met: A Reply to Gillian Brock 799
- ABELARD, PETER Ethical Writings: His "Ethics" or "Know Yourself" and His "Dialogue Between a Philosopher, a Jew, and a Christian
- (Guy Hamelin) 173
- AHERN, DANIEL R. Nietzsche as Cultural Physician
- (Robert Burch) 396
- ALSTON, WILLIAM P. A Realist Conception of Truth
- (Rod Bertolet) 648
- AUDI, ROBERT, ed. The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy
- (D. D. Todd) 182
- (R. W. Krutzen) 590
- BEARDSWORTH, RICHARD Derrida and the Political
- (Jonathan Salem-Wiseman) 865
- BÉLIVEAU, GUY L'éducation des désirs. Essai sur la défaillance de la volonté
- (Jean Proulx) 194
- BENOIST, JOCELYN Kant et les limites de la synthèse. Le sujet sensible
- (Claude Veillette) 179
- BERTEN, ANDRÉ, PABLE DA SILVEIRA et HERVÉ POURTOIS, directeurs Libéraux et communautariens
- (Daniel Weinstock) 844
- BOBBIO, NORBERTO Libéralisme et démocratie
- (Pierre-Yves Bonin) 199
- BOSS, GILBERT, ed. La philosophie et son histoire
- (J. J. MacIntosh) 200
- BOURGEOIS, WARREN Persons: What Philosophers Say About You
- (Irene Switankowsky) 639
- BROOK, ANDREW Kant and the Mind
- (William Seager) 653
- COMTE-SPONVILLE, ANDRÉ et LUC FERRY La sagesse des moderns. Dix questions pour notre temps
- (Sébastien Charles) 847
- CORAZZA, EROS Référence, contexte et attitudes
- (Adèle Mercier) 191
- DANIELS, NORMAN Justice and Justification: Reflective Equilibrium in Theory and Practice
- (Mark Vorobej) 853
- DENKEL, ARDA Object and Property
- (Ronald C. Hoy) 613
- DE TIENNE, ANDRÉ L'analytique de la représentation chez Peirce. La genèse de la théorie des catégories
- (Emmanuel Bourdieu) 175
- DILWORTH, CRAIG The Metaphysics of Science: An Account of Modern Science in Terms of Principles, Laws and Theories
- (Chris Eliasmith) 656
- DUBARLE, DOMINIQUE L'ontologie de Thomas d'Aquin
- (François Beets) 392
- DUMONT, PASCAL Descartes et l'esthétique. L'art d'émerveiller
- (Syliane Charles) 600
- DUNS SCOTS, JEAN La théologie comme science pratique (Prologue de la Lectura)
- (Ansgar Santogrossi) 407
- DYZENHAUS, DAVID, and ARTHUR RIPSTEIN, editors Law and Morality: Readings in Legal Philosophy
- (David Crossley) 807
- ENGEL, PASCAL Philosophie et psychologie
- (Élisabeth Pacherie) 414
- FAY, BRIAN Contemporary Philosophy of Social Science: A Multicultural Approach
- (James Van Evra) 831
- FERRY, JEAN-MARC L'éethique reconstructive
- (Mario Dufour) 196
- GADAMER, HANS-GEORG La philosophie herméneutique
- (Julien Naud) 186
- GENETTE, GÉRARD L'oeuvre d'art, tome II: La relation esthétique
- (Sylvie Lachize) 626
- GIBBARD, ALLAN Sagesse des choix, justesse des snetiments. Une théorie du jugement normatif
- (Marc Neuberg) 617
- GOYARD-FABRE, SIMONE Les principes philosphiques du droit politique moderne
- (Marcel Filion) 820
- HABERMAS, JÜRGEN et JOHN RAWLS Débat sur la justice politique
- (Stéphane Courtois) 183
- HANSEN, HANS V. and ROBERT C. PINTO Fallacies: Classical and Contemporary Readings
- (David Crossley) 387
- HARRÉ, Ron and MICHAEL KRAUSZ Varieties of Relativism
- (D. D. Todd) 163
- HONDERICH, TED, ed. The Oxford Companion to Philosophy
- (D. D. Todd) 182
- HORNE, JAMES R. Mysticism and Vocation
- (Robert Larmer) 637
- HUTCHINGS, KIMBERLEY Kant, Critique and Politics
- (Rolf George) 863
- IMBACH, RUEDI Dante, la philosophie et les laïcs. Initiations à la philosophie médiévale 1
- (Serge Lusignan) 165
- JOHNSON, RALPH H., and J. ANTHONY BLAIR, editors New Essays in Informal Logic
- (Tom Vinci) 641
- KALINOWSKI, GEORGES La logique déductive. Essai de présentation aux juristes
- (Michel Paquette) 421
- KERSZBERG, PIERRE Critique and Totality
- (H. S. Harris) 609
- KESHEN, RICHARD Reasonable Self-Esteem
- (Tove Finnestad) 822
- KNEE, PHILIP Penser l'appartenance. Enjeux des Lumières en France
- (Sébastien Charles) 812
- KRISTJÁNSSON, KRISTJÁN Social Freedom: The Responsibility View
- (Jennifer Welchman) 858
- LAJEUNNESSE, YVETTE et LUKAS K. SOSOE Bioéthique et culture démocratique
- (Paul-André Quintin) 623
- LAPOUJADE, DAVID William James. Empirisme et pragmatisme
- (Robert Tremblay) 607
- LIGHT, ANDREW, and ERIC KATZ, editors Environmental Pragmatism
- (Peter Miller) 860
- LOW-BEER, F. H. Questions of Judgement: Determining What's Right
- (Colin M. MacLeod) 424
- LOWE, E. J. Subjects of Experience
- (Catherine J. L. Talmage) 631
- MACHEREY, PIERRE Introduction à l'Ethique de Spinoza. La troisième partie: La vie affective
- (Gilbert Boss) 604
- MACINTOSH, J. J. AND H. A. MEYNELL, ed. Faith, Scepticism, and Personal Identity
- (Peter Horban) 398
- MARION, MATHIEU, and ROBERT S. COHEN, editors Québec Studies in the Philosophy of Science. Part 1: Logic, Mathematics, Physics and History of Science. Part 2. Biology, Psychology, Cognitive Science and Economics
- (James Robert Brown) 620
- MATTHEN, MOHAN and R. X. WARE, eds. Biology and Society: Reflections on Methodology
- (Kim Sterelny) 168
- MAUND, BARRY Colours: Their Nature and Representation
- (Michael Watkins) 580
- MAY, TODD Between Genealogy and Epistemology: Psychology, Politics, and Knowledge in the Thought of Michel Foucault
- (James Wong) 404
- MEYNELL, HUGO A. Is Christianity True?
- (Brian Leftow) 395
- MILLER, W. WATTS Durkheim, Morals and Modernity
- (M. J. Gane) 826
- MORTON, ADAM, and STEPHEN STICH, editors Benacerraf and His Critics
- (James R. Brown and Alasdair Urquhart) 633
- MUEHLMANN, ROBERT G., ed. Berkeley's Metaphysics: Structural, Interpretive, and Critical Essays
- (Jody L. Graham) 411
- NORTON, DAVID FATE, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Hume
- (Nathan Brett) 210
- NUSSBAUM, MARTHA (and Respondents) For Love of Country: Debating the Limits of Patriotism
- (Arthur Ripstein) 851
- O'NEAL, JOHN C. The Authority of Experience: Sensationist Theory in the French Enlightenment
- (Andrew Pyle) 588
- O'NEAL, JOHN C. The Authority of Experience: Sensationist Theory in the French Enlightenment
- (Jørg Schøsler) 815
- PATTERSON, DENNIS, editor A Companion to Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory
- (Theodore M. Benditt) 828
- PELTONEN, MARKKU, editor The Cambridge Companion to Bacon
- (K. Brad Wray) 643
- PLATON Apologie de Socrate. Criton. traductions par Luc Brisson
- (Yvon Lafrance) 592
- PLATON Lachès. Euthyphron. traductions par Luc Brisson
- (Yvon Lafrance) 595
- PLOURDE, SIMONE Emmanuel Lévinas. Altérité et responsibilité
- (Andrius Valevicius) 615
- POPPER, KARL La théorie quantique et le schisme en physique. Post-scriptum à l Logique de la découverte scientifique, III
- (Louis Marchildon) 188
- POUIVET, ROGER Esthétique et logique
- (Sylvie Lachize) 202
- RADEST, HOWARD B. Humanism with a Human Face: Intimacy and the Enlightenment
- (Byron Williston) 849
- RADIN, MARGARET JANE Contested Commodities: The Trouble with Trade in Sex, Children, Body Parts, and Other Things
- (Robert K. Fullinwider) 855
- REATH, ANDREW, BARBARA HERMAN, and CHRISTINE M. KORSGAARD, editors Reclaiming the History of Ethics: Essays for John Rawls
- (Wes Cooper) 867
- REDHEAD, MICHAEL From Physics to Metaphysics
- (Michael Kernaghan) 630
- ROBERTSON, JOHN C. The Loss and Recovery of Transcendence: The Will to Power and the Light of Heaven
- (Terence Penelhum) 587
- SAUTER, GERHARD The Question of Meaning: A Theological and Philosophical Orientaton Edited and translated by Geoffrey W. Bromiley
- (Jeffrey Clarke) 646
- SCHULTZ, JOHANN Exposition of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason Philosophica 47
- (Arnulf Zweig) 579
- SPERBER, DAN Explaining Culture: A Naturalistic Approach
- (Jean Lachapelle) 419
- STAINTON, ROBERT J. Philosophical Perspectives on Language
- (Phil Dwyer) 611
- STRAWSON, GALEN Mental Reality
- (Irene Switankowsky) 409
- SULLIVAN, SHIRLEY DARCUS Psychological and Ethical Ideas: What Early Greeks Say
- (Georges Leroux) 389
- TAYLOR, CHARLES La liberté des modernes
- (Geneviève Nootens) 837
- THOMASMA, DAVID C., and THOMASINE KUSHNER, editors Birth to Death: Science and Bioethics
- (Jason Scott Robert) 810
- VAN PARIJS, PHILIPPE Refonder la solidarité
- (Joseph Pestieau) 841
- WILSON, CATHERINE The Invisible World: Early Modern Philosophy and the Invention of the Microscope
- (Margaret Atherton) 650
- WOOD, PAUL, ed. Thomas Reid on the Animate Creation: Papers Relating to the Life Sciences
- (D. D. Todd) 205
- YOLTON, JOHN W. Perception and Reality: A History from Descartes to Kant
- (Richard A. Watson) 584
- ZIMMERMAN, MICHAEL J. The Concept of Moral Obligation
- (Christopher G. Griffin) 805